Hello everyone!
First of all, apologies if I choose the wrong category, but I had really no idea where I could post this.
The basic idea of this was that I wanted to install nvgt quickly on my Ubuntu machine, but wasn't as experienced and was letting chatGPT make a script for me.
Well and you know what? It actually works! When you run this script, it automatically will get the latest nvgt version at raw.githubusercontent.com, download it and create a symlink so you can run nvgt anywhere you wish! Also note that I've pasted the script below because the forum wouldn't allow me to upload .sh files. If you are better with receiving the file as .sh file, I also can provide an external link, though I think that here should be enough.
# Variables
INSTALL_DIR="/opt/nvgt" # Install location (adjust as needed)
BINARY_LINK="/usr/local/bin/nvgt" # Symlink for global access
# Step 1: Fetch the latest version
echo "Checking the latest NVGT version..."
LATEST_VERSION=$(curl -s "$VERSION_URL" | head -n 1 | tr -d '[:space:]')
if [ -z "$LATEST_VERSION" ]; then
echo "Error: Could not retrieve the latest version."
exit 1
# Convert version format to match the download URL (replace dash with underscore)
# Step 2: Construct the download URL
# Step 3: Download the latest version
echo "Downloading NVGT version $LATEST_VERSION..."
curl -L -o "/tmp/nvgt_${VERSION_WITH_UNDERSCORE}.tar.gz" "$DOWNLOAD_URL"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error: Failed to download NVGT."
exit 1
# Step 4: Extract the downloaded file
echo "Extracting NVGT..."
sudo mkdir -p "$INSTALL_DIR"
sudo tar -xzf "/tmp/nvgt_${VERSION_WITH_UNDERSCORE}.tar.gz" -C "$INSTALL_DIR"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error: Failed to extract NVGT."
exit 1
# Step 5: Set up system-wide access
echo "Setting up NVGT for global access..."
sudo ln -sf "$INSTALL_DIR/nvgt" "$BINARY_LINK"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error: Failed to create symlink for NVGT."
exit 1
# Step 6: Set appropriate permissions
echo "Setting permissions..."
sudo chmod +x "$INSTALL_DIR/nvgt"
sudo chmod -R 755 "$INSTALL_DIR"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error: Failed to set permissions."
exit 1
# Step 7: Verify setup
echo "Verifying NVGT installation..."
if command -v nvgt >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "NVGT installed successfully. Run 'nvgt' to start it."
echo "Error: NVGT installation failed."
exit 1
Enjoy, and let me know what you think!